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Working from home has been the norm for some professionals for several years, but for many of us, we were forced into it during the pandemic. Within the last year, many people
have had to adjust to working from home rather than in an office setting.
As you set up your office space for the long haul, there are many work-at-home
office space ideas to consider.
You want to make sure you have everything to help make you comfortable, productive,
and private all at the same time.
Whether you are making your home office permanent post-pandemic, or you need to
revamp a “tired” office space, here are some helpful tips.
Work at Home Office Space Ideas
Photo credit by BoomPix
There are many places in your home to set up your work-at-home office space. Some people have the luxury of having a dedicated room for their office space while others are struggling to find the right spot and are currently using their kitchen or primary bedroom.
When choosing your office space, the first thing to consider is finding the best location. Consider using a hallway nook, a corner of a guest bedroom, a living room wall, or even under the stairs. Find what place will work best for you and others in your home. Think outside the box as many areas of your home can be renovated or quickly turned into the perfect office space.
Photo credit by Kayla Simone Home
Working from home can mean not having a lot of privacy to do your work. Add a privacy divider to your home office setup. You can get traditional dividers that sit on the floor, or you could hang a curtain from the ceiling or on a rod.
Photo credit by Julan Curtains and Blinds
One of the most important elements in your home office is to ensure you are not interrupted by other family members living in your home. Using color-coded signs on your door or privacy dividers is a great way to minimize people barging into your space. Think of a stoplight analogy--Green means come on in; yellow means proceed with caution, and red is DO NOT ENTER unless it’s an emergency. Make the colored signs and laminate them so they stay protected and are easy to put up and takedown. If you have young kids, get them involved with
getting creative and helping you make the signs--maybe they will come up with another brilliant idea that’s different from the “stoplight'' concept that will work just as well.
The best thing you can do for your work-at-home office space is to prioritize your comfort. It can be tempting to just grab a chair from the dining area when you’re working from home. But sitting at a desk for long hours can lead to many issues. Ergonomic office chairs offer the correct support when you’re sitting for long hours.
Inspire Productivity
Your work from home office space should inspire productivity, not cause you stress! When setting up your space make a flow that helps you stay productive rather than get distracted.
For example, set up your desk in a way that you are free from distractions such as the television.
Have a designated spot for your cell phone so you are not tempted to scroll through it every time you look at it.
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Place your chargers in a way that is easy to access and helps you stay connected.
Consider placing a calendar or a to-do list on your desk to keep you focused on what you need to get done each day.
Being productive is different for everyone. Find out what works for you and stick to it.
Try out different office setups until you have the perfect flow that inspires you to be productive with your work.
Organization Is Key
Organize your work from home space in a way that helps you get more out of your time working.
No matter which home-office space idea you choose, you will benefit from a little organization!
Nothing is worse than spending the first hour (or more) of your day trying to get organized or not finding something you thought you had set down in a safe place.
These five simple office organizing tricks will help you stay organized and help you gain focus so that you can get more work out of your office hours (and finish your workday at a normal time!).
Place a trash can by your desk. Instead of tossing it out later and letting trash pile up on your desk, go ahead and toss it in the trash bin near your desk to free up space.
Add a document storage system to your desk. If you haven't gone fully digital yet and need a place to store your documents, consider getting a simple file folder or desk organizer to keep your papers organized and easy to access.
Use a junk jar. You may be wondering why you would need a junk jar, but things like paper clips and rubber bands need a place to go! Instead of having them lying all over your desk or inside drawers, put them into a small jar so you can easily find one when you need it. You can either buy a jar or reuse a container you already have in your home like a jam jar.
Keep reference documents close at hand. Save yourself time and keep documents you reference the most at easy-to-find places. You can add them to your file folder or pin them on your wall to glance at when you need them.
Organize and clean up your desk each evening when you are done working. I know you are ready to get away from your desk at the end of the day and leave all the organizing until tomorrow. Do yourself a favor and take 5 minutes to get set up for success the next day.
Do What Makes You Happy
Working from home can be hard enough, so why not make your workspace into an area that makes you happy?
Whether you do a complete renovation to your office space or keep it simple with a few updates, do what works for you!
Desperate for help? Reach out to Living Space Designs today!
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