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  • Work at Home Office Space Ideas

    Photo credit Working from home has been the norm for some professionals for several years, but for many of us, we were forced into it during the pandemic. Within the last year, many people have had to adjust to working from home rather than in an office setting. As you set up your office space for the long haul, there are many work-at-home office space ideas to consider. You want to make sure you have everything to help make you comfortable, productive, and private all at the same time. Whether you are making your home office permanent post-pandemic , or you need to revamp a “tired” office space, here are some helpful tips. Work at Home Office Space Ideas Photo credit by BoomPix There are many places in your home to set up your work-at-home office space. Some people have the luxury of having a dedicated room for their office space while others are struggling to find the right spot and are currently using their kitchen or primary bedroom. When choosing your office space, the first thing to consider is finding the best location . Consider using a hallway nook, a corner of a guest bedroom, a living room wall, or even under the stairs. Find what place will work best for you and others in your home. Think outside the box as many areas of your home can be renovated or quickly turned into the perfect office space . Photo credit by Kayla Simone Home Working from home can mean not having a lot of privacy to do your work. Add a privacy divider to your home office setup. You can get traditional dividers that sit on the floor, or you could hang a curtain from the ceiling or on a rod. Photo credit by Julan Curtains and Blinds One of the most important elements in your home office is to ensure you are not interrupted by other family members living in your home . Using color-coded signs on your door or privacy dividers is a great way to minimize people barging into your space. Think of a stoplight analogy--Green means come on in; yellow means proceed with caution , and red is DO NOT ENTER unless it’s an emergency. Make the colored signs and laminate them so they stay protected and are easy to put up and takedown . If you have young kids, get them involved with getting creative and helping you make the signs--maybe they will come up with another brilliant idea that’s different from the “ stoplight '' concept that will work just as well. The best thing you can do for your work-at-home office space is to prioritize your comfort. It can be tempting to just grab a chair from the dining area when you’re working from home. But sitting at a desk for long hours can lead to many issues. Ergonomic office chairs offer the correct support when you’re sitting for long hours. Inspire Productivity Your work from home office space should inspire productivity, not cause you stress! When setting up your space make a flow that helps you stay productive rather than get distracted. For example, set up your desk in a way that you are free from distractions such as the television. Have a designated spot for your cell phone so you are not tempted to scroll through it every time you look at it. Photo credit by Place your chargers in a way that is easy to access and helps you stay connected. Consider placing a calendar or a to-do list on your desk to keep you focused on what you need to get done each day. Being productive is different for everyone. Find out what works for you and stick to it. Try out different office setups until you have the perfect flow that inspires you to be productive with your work. Organization Is Key Organize your work from home space in a way that helps you get more out of your time working. No matter which home-office space idea you choose, you will benefit from a little organization! Nothing is worse than spending the first hour (or more) of your day trying to get organized or not finding something you thought you had set down in a safe place. These five simple office organizing tricks will help you stay organized and help you gain focus so that you can get more work out of your office hours (and finish your workday at a normal time!). Place a trash can by your desk. Instead of tossing it out later and letting trash pile up on your desk, go ahead and toss it in the trash bin near your desk to free up space. Add a document storage system to your desk. If you haven't gone fully digital yet and need a place to store your documents, consider getting a simple file folder or desk organizer to keep your papers organized and easy to access. Use a junk jar. You may be wondering why you would need a junk jar, but things like paper clips and rubber bands need a place to go! Instead of having them lying all over your desk or inside drawers, put them into a small jar so you can easily find one when you need it. You can either buy a jar or reuse a container you already have in your home like a jam jar. Keep reference documents close at hand. Save yourself time and keep documents you reference the most at easy-to-find places. You can add them to your file folder or pin them on your wall to glance at when you need them. Organize and clean up your desk each evening when you are done working. I know you are ready to get away from your desk at the end of the day and leave all the organizing until tomorrow. Do yourself a favor and take 5 minutes to get set up for success the next day. Do What Makes You Happy Working from home can be hard enough, so why not make your workspace into an area that makes you happy? Whether you do a complete renovation to your office space or keep it simple with a few updates, do what works for you! Desperate for help? Reach out to Living Space Designs today! Photo credit by

  • 4 Easy Steps to Maximize Storage

    You know the saying— “The more money you make, the more money you spend…” think of storage space in your home the same way. The more storage areas you have, the more stuff you are likely to collect and need to store. The key to maximizing storage is not to gain more storage (most of us don’t have that luxury) but learning how to use your current storage space as efficiently as possible. STEP #1: Change your mindset : If you find yourself saying “Grrrrr…I wish I had more storage” I challenge you to have an attitude adjustment. Having less storage space can be a blessing, not a curse because it forces you to evaluate what you truly need and helps you accumulate less. I used to get frustrated my home wasn’t built with a basement or an attic until I realized most basements and attics are total junk collectors! Photo Credit by Dreamstime STEP #2: Purge, purge, and purge some more: You can’t maximize your storage until you get rid of the excess. The best question to ask yourself when purging is “How has this item served me in the past 1-2 years?” For example, that dress you absolutely love that’s two sizes too small—You’ve kept it around for three years just in case you lose that 20 pounds, but every time you see the dress it serves you up a BIG dose of guilt and frustration since it no longer fits. Time to give it the heave-ho and donate it to someone who can enjoy it! Photo Credit by istock Whether you are cleaning out your bedroom closet or your kitchen pantry, don’t do it all at once--it’s overwhelming and most of us don’t have several hours on a given day to devote to the entire task. If you take everything out of your closet and drawers and throw it all on your bed, you will be paralyzed with dread looking at the GINORMOUS pile. Instead, pick one section starting with your easiest area first, and complete the purge before moving to the next area. I call this working in “do-able chunks.” Completing one do-able chunk at a time will motivate you to keep going in a manageable way within a realistic timeframe. STEP #3: Invest in storage and organizational products: The key to making your newly purged area function optimally is to use storage and organizational products to maximize storage. Yes, it requires some financial investment, but it will be worth every penny. If you are remodeling, make sure you have an in-depth discussion with your designer about your specific needs for organization and storage. The good news is you do not have to remodel your space to utilize organizational items—you can buy from various retailers, and install them into your existing closets, cabinets, drawers, and pantry. There is a plethora of information online for DIY storage and organizational solutions. For walk-in closets, see the two graphics below to assist you with measuring the space and common shelving heights. Tired of looking at your cooking utensils and knives on the countertops? Check out this organizer. Photo Credit Rev-A-Shelf Tight on space to store bulky items like foil, plastic wrap, parchment, and all those different sizes baggy boxes? Look at this space saver! Photo Credit Rev-A-Shelf Annoyed by having to plug in your electronic devices and stare at them while they charge on your counter? Here’s a great solution. Photo Credit Dura Supreme Bugged by your electric mixer hogging prime real estate on your kitchen countertop? Look at this nifty contraption! Photo Credit Dura Supreme Frazzled your spice containers are a jumbled mess and impossible to locate when you need them? Check out this drawer. Photo Credit Dura Supreme Irritated your snacks and dry goods roll all over the place? Look at this simple solution. Photo Credit Dura Supreme Peeved your bathroom vanity has LOTS of stuff on it? Imagine having one drawer to keep all your toiletries hidden away in one convenient location. Photo Credit Dura Supreme 5 Over the edge with plugging, unplugging, and putting away your blow dryer and flat iron each time you use them? Check out this vanity organizer! Photo Credit Rev-A-Shelf STEP #4: Regularly maintain your newly organized spaces: Just like losing weight, if you do not maintain a healthy eating regime and return to eating poorly, you will pack the pounds back on quickly. The same reality holds for our living spaces. For your closets, drawers, and pantry to stay neat, clean, and organized, it requires diligence and attention. After a long day, refrain from throwing your clothes in a big heap as you get into your PJs. Instead, get into the healthy habit of taking the extra 60 seconds (literally that’s all it takes) to hang or fold your clothes and toss the dirty remains into the hamper. For kitchen cabinets, drawers, and pantry once a month take a dust buster, clean out the crumbs and tidy up—it will take you less than 30 minutes. If you are very tight on space, and you acquire a new item like an appliance or a pair of shoes, you need to purge another item to make space. After applying these four steps, think how happy you will feel and how much more functional your storage spaces will be! Photo Credit by Better Homes & Gardens Contact us for more information

  • 3 Ways to Incorporate Color into your Kitchen

    When you decide to have your kitchen remodeled, picking out which color you are going to incorporate into your kitchen is a big part of the design process. There are many ways to incorporate a pop of color into your kitchen and still have a timeless design. Continue reading as we share a few tips for best practices when deciding on the color scheme for your kitchen remodel. 1: Highlight Your Style An important aspect of deciding what colors to incorporate into your kitchen is to ensure it suits your taste, compliments your signature style, and showcases your favorite color(s). If you tend to like bright colors such as ruby red or Kelly green, it is important to incorporate those colors in a way that doesn’t over power the space. If your style is geared more towards a neutral palette, have your designer challenge you to think outside the box and go beyond an all-white kitchen! One thing we love to do as designers is to help take your vision and elevate your design to the next level in ways you may have never thought about! Photo credit: 2: Incorporate Color Accents If you are wanting a certain bolder color in your kitchen, we suggest you incorporate the color as an accent. You can add your color of choice with accents such as countertops, backsplash, accessories, or on some portions of the cabinetry. Regarding cabinetry, we recommend mixing no more than three colors in one space . For example, if you have a large kitchen, you can do upper cabinets in linen tone, bottom cabinets in a wood tone, and rich colored painted cabinets on your island. If you are wanting a bold color cabinet that makes a statement like turquoise, we suggest you only incorporate that color on one section of your upper cabinets so that the color itself is not too overwhelming. Finishes are another way to add a color accent to your kitchen . When selecting the finishes it is best to use different metals that compliment each other in order to avoid making everything look overly matching. A timeless combination could be black pulls on cabinets, brushed bronze faucet, and mottled copper pendants. You can also accessorize your floating shelves, countertops, or glass cabinets with a POP of color by strategically placing colorful items such as decorative dishware, toasters, and tea pots. 3: Pick your Color Choices Whether you're looking to spice up your space with a bright color or keep things calm, cool, and serene, here's what you need to know about picking your kitchen paint colors. Neutrals : If you want a nature or natural feel go with the blues, greens, sandy whites, and driftwood grays of the seashore because they all naturally work together. With a neutral color scheme, you want to ensure it has depth so that it doesn't look too flat. In order to avoid this, use different patterns and textures to help each neutral color have dimension. Brights: Bright colors are a great way to add a pop of color to your kitchen. As mentioned, if going with a bright color, you want to ensure you do not overdo it with that color. Instead, use different shades and pick a focal point for that color to be used. White : White is known as one of the 'classic' kitchen colors. You can even try an off-white or a white that has a touch of beige which will appear white but have a warmth to it. When using white you will want to incorporate different textures and designs to help add some depth to the finished look. Dark: If you decide to go with a dark color, it is best to focus on the undertones. You also may want to consider choosing one area of your kitchen to be that dark color and have it as your focal point. Conclusion When we do kitchen remodels, we like to make one area of the kitchen your “star of the show” while other areas and colors support that “main star.” For our kitchen remodels, we ensure that your kitchen will look current for many years to come, no matter your color choice! Allow us to take your design inspirations and add the color of your dreams to your new kitchen remodel! Photo credit:

  • How to Pick the Right Designer for your Remodel

    All designers are not created equal so you need to do your homework! It’s extremely important to hire a designer whose expertise is compatible with your scope of work and focuses not just on aesthetics but makes functionality and practicality a priority. There are many designers who can make your space look beautiful, but how qualified are they to do extensive plumbing, electrical, and cabinet plans? Photo Credit by Diversity Journal In the summer of 2019, my husband and I were ready to remodel our kitchen. At that time, I knew nothing about the design or remodel business, and was one year away from being offered a job at Living Space Designs handling Client Relations. I was clueless as a first-time renovator about the importance of picking the right designer who not only can make the space look beautiful, but also knows the construction side of the design process. Call it luck of the draw or fate, but when we met with Helen, managing partner and lead designer at Living Space Designs, we knew we’d hit the jackpot! For kitchen remodels, look for a designer who is extremely competent in cabinet design which is essential to ensure your space is maximized for storage and functionality . Your final kitchen cabinet design should specify what organizational items are going in most drawers, cabinets, and pantry. Recently, our studio got a desperate call from woman named Kate who wanted us to help her redo her brand new kitchen cabinets for which she paid top dollar. Kate discovered--after the fact--most of her designer’s experience was in closet cabinetry. AH HA…This explains why the designer fell short designing kitchen cabinets according to Kate’s needs. Photo Credit by Rev-a-Shelf For a master bath renovation, seek out a designer who is experienced in electrical and plumbing. Whether you want a “car wash” effect with shower jets, a free-standing tub, or a wet room, your designer needs to understand how the different plumbing products work based on water pressure, splash patterns, and where to best place the fixtures depending on what’s happening inside the surrounding walls and floor. To ensure you have excellent lighting for grooming and make-up application, your designer needs to place the electrical strategically, and to understand Kelvin temperature to give you the best lighting results at different times of day and night. Aside from hiring a designer with expertise based on your scope of work, make sure you choose a designer with whom you feel a deep level of comfort and connection. Working with a designer is an intimate process requiring transparency, directness, and empathy. You deserve to feel safe speaking your mind and having your questions and concerns valued and understood. Here are some questions you may consider asking when meeting and interviewing designers. You should always be offered a complimentary consultation. How long have you been a designer? What is your area of expertise? How many kitchens, baths, (or whatever spaces you want to remodel) have you designed/remodeled in the span of your career? Please explain how your design and remodel process works if I was to become a client. What’s one of the biggest challenges your company faces, and how do work to resolve it? (Finding qualified subcontractors, supply shortages, etc.) Planning on remodeling a kitchen, bathroom, or any other living space is exciting but the process can be overwhelming--Finding the right designer should provide you with a clear vision, organized plan, and a newly remodeled space that makes you say WOW every time you walk into the room! Contact Us!

  • Make your kitchen complete - with one single detail.

    Turning a kitchen into a work of art can be daunting - especially if you are thinking about everything in terms of flash and glam, but we challenge you…what if you can truly make your kitchen with just one accent? Often homeowners are faced with many choices, and for most, especially with the help of a company that has the client’s style and desires in mind - it works out to be a beautiful newly remodeled kitchen. Two kitchens are rarely the exact same, but even those that situate themselves between similar homes in similar neighborhoods can find themselves an inspiration among the masses when given the right thought and effort. We wanted to show you some ways of bringing it all together, with just one detail. Option 1: Choose a hood that doubles as a focal point. Typical things that we consider when finding the right kitchen hood are noise level, how much energy they are going to use and of course, the kitchen layout itself. Creating a space that is welcoming is important, and with all things considered, designing a kitchen around one statement piece can make for a remodel that is actually fun and a kitchen that turns into the talk of the block. Thanks for the inspiration. Option 2: A backsplash that becomes the life of the party. Keeping a neutral kitchen and letting the tile speak for itself can be just he accent that you need to draw your eye…or the eyes of all your dinner party guests. We are in love with this patchwork tile backsplash, especially because of the subtle grey tones. Not only does this add a fun and pattern but it adds depth to this space while keeping it neutral. Inspo: Option 3: That island though. It doesn’t have to be marble to stand out among kitchens, and in fact, simply using color against a neutral background like in this island example balances the space and brings attention to the place where people gather…around the food wine. Cred:

  • Pantone Living Coral Is Playful & Just What The World Needs!

    This years Pantone Color of the Year is Living Coral. It is a warm but vibrant coral color that is said (thank you to Pantone themselves) to “embrace us with warmth and nourishment to provide comfort and buoyancy in our continually shifting environment.” We couldn’t agree more. More and more often conversations lead to those that require our full authentic self, a full immersion in the situation we are experiencing, and connection to those around us. This color helps body this idea, and we love the opportunity it brings to design some incredible spaces. We love the idea of bringing this playful, fun and bright color to bathrooms and kitchens. Here’s some of our inspirations we found from diving in to this lighthearted color of 2019: We found this bathroom simple, elegant and with it’s obvious splash of Living Coral, we think this bathroom is bound to set the standard for 2019. On the brighter side we see this spirited kitchen fitting well into the heart of the desert that we call home. Now someone just let us do it! Even though we are designers, we love a good couch, and we love it even more when it is the epitome of Pantone’s Color of the Year. With such excitement for a new year, new kitchens, and a new Pantone Color of the Year, we figured it wouldn’t hurt to look at a couple more pretty Living Coral images. Share with us your inspiration or design for this year’s color on our Social pages (Instagram or Facebook) - we can’t wait to see what you come up with! Here’s to the spirited, playful, lighthearted color of 2019 that we truly think helps symbolize change, grown, optimism and our need for joy this upcoming year. This is too beautiful for words. Simply gorgeous. Image credit: the wonderful world of Pinterest (users @Danielle Noce, @Una Pizca de Hogar, @Aspire Metro) and

  • New Year's Resolutions - For Your Home

    December is always marked with the Spirit of Giving, but before long we’ll be well on our way to deciding what we will change in the new year. Fortunately, it doesn’t always have to be about you. Although it can, and that’s ok too. Start your new year off with a fresh start for your home, because it deserves a little TLC for letting you live in it day in and day out. Here’s three home resolutions that can replace “go to the gym” and “become paleo” - because honestly…we’re not sure what paleo really means. 1. Make it a point to feel secure. Most of the time we take for granted what our four walls give us, so give it the energy it deserves. Maybe your house is gorgeous and remodeled *cough-by Living Space Designs-cough* but does it make you feel safe? Spend a little time doing these simple things to put your mind at ease in the new year: -Check your home for unwanted chemicals. We mean carbon monoxide and radon. For $20 you can install an alert system and rest easy - radon free. -Dryer lint beware. The most devastating thing could be a fire in your home. Make sure to check the lint trap every time you dry, and maybe on a lazy day spend a few extra moments cleaning the vents and ducts behind your dryer. 2. Does it spark joy? The easiest way to declutter your life is to declutter your home. Haven’t heard of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up? It’s fine. Point is clearing clutter simplifies your space and your mindset. But you really should read that book. One consultant in Atlanta said her best advice is to “ ill your home with the things that raise your energy level and make you feel good, and get rid of the things that drain your energy or are broken," she says. Our advice: keep it simple. Useful tip: -Put all the random (yet useful) things out of sight. No one wants to look at cleaning supplies on the counter or a stack of DVDs in the corner. Like our last post - use trays and baskets to your advantage. Arrange similar items together and add a plant - boom, home design. 3: Make a routine…for cleaning! Keep the mess to a minimum by knowing which chores belong to what days. Tuesday sounds like a good day to broom. Perhaps you make a daily versus weekly chart/routine. Daily might include dishes or laundry, weekly could be dusting and washing the pups. Remember to focus on one task at a time. There isn’t anything that is so important that you can’t take time to enjoy yourself while doing it. Music + wine + broom = not too shabby of an afternoon (if you drink wine in the afternoon). ;) We hope that your #newyearsresolution brings happiness and joy. Cheers to you and your home this holiday season!

  • From Flowers to Pumpkins: Our Take on Some Simple Home Decor Upgrades for Sweater Weather.

    In a world full of things that are not always pretty and easy, we figured that a blog about pretty and easy things would be just what the doctor ordered. This weekend we started to decorate for Fall. There’s always something about Fall and the chilly mornings and pumpkin everything that gets us excited to crawl under a blanket, decorate our mantles and drink all of the hot things. Here’s our ideas for the finally-able-to-wear-a-sweater season in Tucson. When we think Fall Decor we think cozy and soft. So much of what we see on Target shelves are farmhouse everything, and honestly a lot of it is super cute used in the right way. The excitement of seeing rich colors and metallics this season add a design element to our homes that makes us think Fall thoughts and want to host ALL the kitchen parties. While you reinvigorate your Summer wardrobe, rethink your new 2019 goals it’s the perfect time to refresh your space with some simple Fall Decor ideas that will make your home feel like new this season. Step 1: Use the Space you Have Whether you have a gorgeous Mesquite tree out front of your house or not, a simple grouping of a couple different flowers and a pumpkin or two is the first thing you’ll see when you get home from a long day’s work. Why not start your welcome with a little taste of Fall, whether it’s just you or you have guests coming over. Step 2: You don’t have to be Traditional We think Pumpkin when people say Fall Decor also, but we live in the desert. Utilizing the plants that are indigenous to our state ensures their longevity and, well, makes sense. Potting cactus in colored pots is the perfect way to bring Fall Decor to any room in your home. Our fave colors include the deep, dark wine reds and off-whites. Step 3: Get Crafty (or not). If you find yourself wanting a touch of craft, why not take a few mins (with a glass of wine?) and make your own garland. These (above) are cute, but make it even more simple by grabbing some free paint chips and cutting them into the shapes of leaves - or get really crazy and make a letter banner. (Send us pictures!) Bonus: Use What You’ve Got Even in the kitchen where you might forget to decorate, bringing out the fixings for coffee, tea or hot chocolate can become their own centerpiece. Put your spices and sugar in mis-matched mason jars (and add a pumpkin) and spice up your counter for easy, go-to Fall drinks.

  • How to Select Hardware for Your Cabinets

    Little details, like just the right hardware for your cabinets, can make all the difference when designing your perfect space. Unique and beautiful hardware on your kitchen or your bathroom cabinets can elevate your room from plain to exceptional for anyone, even those with a limited amount of time devoted to redesign, or those with a tight budget. One of the first decisions you may have to make when it comes to your cabinet hardware is whether you’d like a pull or a knob. Both have their own benefits and it may come down to personal preference when making this decision. Knobs tend to be a bit more discreet, so if you have more ornate cabinets or would like the hardware to stay minimal, then knobs may end up working better for your cabinets. Pulls can be a bit larger but can also add in a unique detail that would work well to spruce up plain cabinets. Additionally, using both knobs and pulls can provide better functionality in your kitchen or bathroom. Pulls on drawers can make it easier to grab with the whole hand, while using knobs on a top cabinet works great functionally. Pull are generally recommended for soft-close drawers. Once you’ve considered your options as far as knobs and pulls or using a combination of both, it is now time to pick a theme or finish. If you are completely redesigning your kitchen or bathroom then you will have a bit more freedom in this area as you can choose new finishes or a design that works best for you. However, if you are just upgrading your hardware it will be important to pay attention to the current theme or finishes that are in your space. If all the other appliances in your kitchen or bathroom are stainless steel, then it might be best to stick with this finish and also choose hardware that is stainless steel. This can provide a continuous look that will allow the space to feel cohesive and well-designed. Other things to consider when choosing your hardware is how it will look on your cabinets. Make sure you are factoring in the color of your cabinets, their details, and how much space they have for certain knobs or pulls. You should also make sure you’re choosing hardware that will stand the test of time. You will be using this hardware daily so you want to make sure you are choosing strong and sturdy hardware that is well finished and won’t wear down or fall off your cabinets in only a few months time. Little details like the perfect hardware for your space can make all the difference and help really make your house a home.

  • Flooring Ideas For Your Home

    When it comes to your remodeling project, choosing the right flooring is a big decision. This choice used to be simple with very few materials or styles to choose from, but now there are so many different man-made and natural materials and hundreds of different colors, stains, and designs on the market. All of these choices can make it hard to narrow down what might be right for you. This blog will detail some of the most popular materials and styles on the market today to help you ultimately choose the perfect new flooring for your home. Porcelain is made from heated, refined clay. It is a strong alternative to natural stone and ceramic tiles. It’s also a popular option for both indoor and outdoor use. This type of tile flooring is intensely versatile and can be made into a great variety of colors, textures, shapes and sizes that will integrate easily into any decor. Bamboo flooring is durable, eco-friendly, and great looking. It is one of the most natural flooring choices on the market today and is one of the most sustainable options as well. This is a great choice if you like the clean and minimal look of bamboo, are all about buying eco-friendly options, and want a material that is strong and stable underfoot. Photo Credit: Via HGTV, Photo: Amadeus Leightner Concrete: Either stained or unstained concrete creates a modern industrial look that is hard to emulate with any other material. This kitchen flooring option is durable, built to last, and affordable. Poured concrete can get cold though so this material is best in warmer climates and for those that don’t mind how hard this surface can be under your feet. Hardwood: Hardwood is a classic material choice that will never lose its style or appeal. It’s a classic for a reason and can create a richness in your home that other materials just can’t. This option can be more expensive though because it is a natural product, but certain manufacturer offers cheaper options as well. There are many different wood stains to choose from, ranging from light and natural to dark and heavily stained. This option is great if you love the look and feel of wood or if you have hardwood throughout your home already and want to add it to your kitchen as well. Laminate: Laminate is best known for it’s imitation of wood flooring because of the photographic process used to create the design layer of laminate flooring that is intensely realistic. The image is printed and glued to a core of fiberboard backed by a bottom layer that’s treated to prevent moisture damage. It’s all covered by a top wear layer that resists scratches. A great choice in the Southwest compared to real wood floors as it will not dry out. Photo Credit: Arizona Tile Jura Gray Natural Stone: Stone floors are beautiful, classic and stylish. The naturally cool, hard surface is ideal for Southwest climates and does not harbor dust or allergens. If you want to install stone in a high-traffic area you'll want to select a hard, dense stone that is nonporous, such as granite or slate. Softer, more porous stones, such as marble, limestone, and travertine, require some maintenance, such as an application of sealants.

  • How to buy an area rug

    The right area rug can transform your space from boring and cold to warm, inviting, and fun. An area rug can bring that extra touch of design to your space and it can also be a functional addition, providing extra padding and warmth under your feet on a tile or wood floor. However, not all area rugs are created equal and it’s important to consider what size, material, and style of area rug you’d like in your home before you make your purchase. Size: The size of your room and the furniture in the space will help determine what size area rug will be the best for you. If you’re looking for an area rug for under your dining room table it will be important to measure your table and make sure that the area rug is bigger than the area that will be occupied by your table and chairs. It can be helpful to pull out your dining room chairs to the degree that they’ll be pulled out by you or a guest and measure the width and length of your potential area rug from there. Additionally you’ll need to consider the size of your future area rug in your living room before your purchase. Do you want the area rug to fully cover the floor under your couch and coffee table or do you want it as more of an accent piece that just covers part of your floor and furniture? Size is important to factor in when it comes to placing an area rug in any room in your home. Material: Area rugs can be made out of a variety of materials, and what material you choose may affect its durability, cost, and aesthetic. Heavy duty wool area rugs will be one of the durable options, but they can also be more expensive based on the material costs. Area rugs made out of synthetic materials may be a cheaper option but you may have to replace them more often due to their durability. Certain materials may also have different design aesthetics as well which might impact your design. You might want to check out a few different materials of area rugs and decide based on how they feel or how they look which material is right for you and your home. Style: Style can play a big part in choosing the right area rug for you. You will need to consider what color or colors will work for your area rug so that it enhances the design of your space. If you have a very neutral living room and are looking for something to bring in color and a unique element then you might consider an area rug with a large pattern or bold colors. However if your space already has a lot of pattern going on then you might need to choose a more neutral area rug with a great texture instead. Some area rugs are more traditional, while others have more of a modern flair, so it is important to consider the overall design of your home when choosing the right area rug for you.

  • Selecting a fridge

    Fridge design, features, and even size choices have come a long way in the last twenty years, and when it comes down to finishing up the details of your kitchen remodel, choosing the right fridge may not be getting the amount of attention it deserves. While the process used to just involve going down to a showroom and choosing what model of refrigerator you’d like based on color and budget, there’s now a lot more factors to consider before choosing the right fridge for your home. This article will break down the “cold” hard facts of refrigerator selection and help you to figure out what it is that you need to consider before purchasing your next fridge and why it should be one of your first remodel choices. Kitchen Space: Not all fridges are created equal nowadays, and there’s a variety of fridge sizes to accommodate those with a smaller apartment sized kitchen or those with a large open floor plan and a large family to feed. Knowing how much space you’d like to devote to your refrigerator will help you narrow down your choices. Fridge Design and Features: Based on what you eat, how much you like to entertain, and how you prefer to organize your perishable and frozen goods will help determine what type of fridge design will best suit you. There’s new designs being manufactured by the big brands every year with models to suit those who love to store big platters for parties in their fridge, or those who want plenty of space for drink bottles and big drawers for produce. Certain designs may also be more aesthetically pleasing to you, such as side by side doors as opposed to freezer on top models. When it comes to design you might also need to consider the finish, whether you prefer stainless steel or a classic white surface that goes with almost any kitchen design. On the more high-end side of things there are also built-in style fridges that can seamlessly blend in with your kitchen cabinets using appliance panels. Consider the depth of the fridge and how far it may stick out from the cabinets on each side. Budget: Budget is still an important factor to consider when choosing a new fridge and may narrow down your choices quite a bit depending on how much you’d like to spend on your kitchen remodel and appliances. Keep in mind when choosing a model how energy efficient it is. If the fridge costs a bit more but can save you money each month on your electric bill, it may be worth paying a bit more upfront for savings along the lifetime of your fridge. All these factors are important to consider when selecting your next fridge, as appliances play a big role in the end design and style of your kitchen remodel. Spend the necessary time choosing the right one for you and factor in what’s most important to you as far as extra features go and you’ll end up with a fridge you’ll want to have for years to come.

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